We shop 100+ companies to find
the best match for you!
Your One-Stop Shop For
Auto Insurance Comparison
When it comes to choosing a car insurance company, it pays to shop around. Whether you have a teen driver or an imperfect driving record, getting quotes from different companies is the best way to pay less without sacrificing your coverage.
Americans overpay on car insurance by an estimated $21 Billion per year. We’re here to make comparing rates both safer and easier.
Lower Your Insurance In
Just 3 Simple Steps
Complete Survey
Build your profile by telling us a little about yourself and your car.
Get Matched
Get matched with the most relevant insurers based on your profile.
Save Money
Connect either online or over the phone to lock in your new low rate!
What Coverage Best Suits
Your Personal Needs?
It's good to have an idea of what kinds of auto insurance you want when you're ready to compare
car insurance quotes. Here are the main types of coverages:
If you’re in
a car crash
Collision will cover damages that occur to your vehicle.
If you’re stalled on
the highway
Roadside Assistance coverage for tows, jumps, and more.
If the unexpected
Comprehensive Coverage for fires, weather, vandalism, & more.
If your glass is
Most Insurers cover repairs for windshields, moonroofs, & more.
If you’re sued for
Liability Coverage will help defend you & your family from lawsuits.
If your car
is stolen
Comprehensive Coverage will cover new car replacement.
What Our Customers Are
Saying About Us
The site helped us narrow down which insurers to look for.
The site helped us narrow down which insurers to look for. I liked that it’s a one stop shop, you go to one place, and put in what you’re looking for. This is more helpful than trying to navigate all the different insurance companies that are out there on our own.
Fernando E.
Hamden, Connecticut
I loved it.
I loved it because I save a lot of money, almost $500 per month! I kept full coverage on all of my cars. The people I spoke to were very nice and helpful, and I was able to bundle my homeowner insurance too.
Ankica B.
Fairfax County, Virginia
The site worked well for me.
The site worked well for me. I was satisfied with my new insurance policy, which is $75 cheaper per month. It was an easy process, I didn’t really have to do a lot, I just had to fill up my information.
Jaymee H.
Lakewood, Colorado
Frequently Asked Questions